


在合理的时间内完成你的学位, 成绩合格, 在学术界被称为令人满意的学术进步吗, 或SAP.

If your grade point average (GPA) has slipped or isn’t what you want it to be, or you aren’t making as much progress as you'd like toward completing your degree, 向我们寻求支持. 我们有资源可以提供帮助,包括: 学术顾问, 辅导员老师, 社会工作者 和 导师.



和其他大学一样,亚洲博彩平台排名也有 SAP策略 概述了学生的权利和责任. The policy requires students who are taking 24 or more credits to maintain a 2.0或更高的累积绩点,完成至少66分.66%的注册学分. 修6-23学分的学生应保持至少1分.平均绩点75分,完成注册学分的58%以上.

Every registered M State student receives a SAP review after each academic term (fall, 春季和夏季). 符合SAP标准的学生有望完成他们的学位. 没有达到标准的学生会收到通知信, 通过他们在M州的电子邮件账户, 在期末成绩公布后.




Students who have not met the college's minimum SAP st和ards at the end of a term are placed on 学术警告 for one term, 不包括夏天.

警告学生 仍然有资格注册课程并获得经济资助吗. 

学期结束的时候, students are either reinstated to good academic st和ing or are placed into 学术悬挂.


Students are placed on 学术悬挂 when they don't meet the college's minimum SAP st和ards while on 学术警告. 

休学学生 没有资格注册课程或获得经济资助. 休学持续一个学期,不包括夏季.

休学学生 may appeal their suspension (see below for more information on appeals). Those who do not appeal or whose appeals are unsuccessful are unable to register for courses or receive financial aid while suspended.

Students who choose to sit out their suspension period may return to M State afterward, but will need to submit an appeal to be eligible to receive further financial aid.



休学学生 may appeal their suspension by submitting a 学业进展满意申诉 (see "提交上诉" below).

An approved appeal results in a student's placement into Probation status. Probation reinstates a student's eligibility for class registration 和 financial aid (however the SAP Appeal review team may limit the number of credits a probationary student may register for).

如果上诉不成功, a one-semester suspension period will ensue 和 the student will be unable to register for courses or receive financial aid during that time. 

在暂停期结束时, students seeking to return to school must appeal for potential financial aid reinstatement.



SAP Appeal deadlines are always at the end of the day on the Friday just prior to the week before a semester begins. 如果那天正好是校园假日, 那么截止日期是下一个工作日的中午.

不完整的SAP申诉将不会得到充分考虑. Students are encouraged to submit their SAP Appeal well in advance of the deadline.




For a SAP Appeal to receive full consideration, it must include the following:

  • An academic plan for the next term that lists courses by name, number 和 credit amount (i.e. 英语1101,3学分).
  • 支持上诉声明的文件. 
  • It must be submitted by the appropriate deadline (see "SAP上诉截止日期" above). Appeals submitted after a term deadline may be considered for a future term.

网上SAP申诉表格可在以下网址找到并提交 www.明尼苏达州.edu/forms under the “Appeals” tab at “Suspension Appeal (令人满意的学业进展/SAP)."


An approved appeal results in a student's placement into Probation status. Probation reinstates a student's eligibility for class registration 和 financial aid.

Students in Probation return to good academic st和ing in their next term if they meet the conditions specified in their academic plan (as detailed in their SAP Appeal) as well as the college's SAP st和ards. 

Students in Probation status remain in Probation for another term if they meet the conditions of their academic plan but do not meet the SAP st和ards. Those who do not meet either the conditions of their academic plan or the SAP st和ards are re-suspended immediately upon completion of the evaluation period.

阅读完整的M State SAP Policy.


Students who are on 学术悬挂 和 submit an unsuccessful appeal undergo a one-semester suspension 和 are unable to register for courses or receive financial aid during that time. 

这些学生可以在休学期结束后返回学校, 但必须提交一份申请,申请恢复潜在的财政援助.

阅读完整的M State SAP Policy.


休学学生 may return to M State upon a successful SAP Appeal or after sitting out the suspension period.

Those who received a financial aid suspension may regain financial aid eligibility with a successful appeal or after returning to good academic st和ing without using financial aid.





第二次停赛的上诉更为困难. 学生必须非常清楚 情有可原的情况下 导致他们在缓刑期间没有取得进展. 所有必要的文件必须与提交的上诉一起提供, 和 the student must address 和 include not only a current plan for their academic success but also anything they committed to in their previous appeal.


有资格获得经济援助, a student must meet the SAP st和ard related to maximum time frame for completing a program. 最大时间范围是学分的总数量, 包括转学学分, 学生可以在有资格获得经济援助的情况下进行尝试. Maximum time frame is calculated as 150% of the published degree length measured in credits (i.e. 90学分是60学分的150%).

Students who receive a Maximum Time Frame Suspension 和 who want to be eligible for financial aid must submit a Maximum Time Frame Appeal, 上发现的 我们的表单页面 在“财政援助”下拉菜单下. 

If students need assistance with the Maximum Time Frame Appeal process, our 学术顾问 团队是一个很好的资源.

  • Log in to SpartanNet 和 select the "E-Services" tab on the left side of the screen.
  • 选择屏幕左侧的“学术记录”选项.
  • Select “Unofficial Transcripts” to see your entire M State academic record (we suggest viewing your record in chronological order).
  • Log out when finished to keep your records private, especially if using a shared or public computer.

使用我们的 GPA计算器 tool to gauge your progress, determine your schedule 和 plan your finances. Your GPA is the total number of grade points you’ve earned divided by the total number of credit hours you’ve attempted. 你的平均绩点将在0分之间.0 to 4.0

The GPA calculator allows you to enter credits 和 grades for classes to determine your projected GPA. 注:M州不使用加(+)或减(-)等级.
